Urgent capital support (UCS) is specifically for urgent condition issues that pose the threat of immediate school closure.

Who can apply

You can apply if you are an academy, sixth-form college or VA school and you meet both of these conditions:

  • you do not receive SCA
  • you need funding assistance to address urgent building condition issues that either:
    • put the safety of your pupils or staff at risk
    • threaten the closure of the whole or a significant part of your school

Your application will be considered only if there is a genuine and immediate need for UCS and you cannot wait until the next round of CIF.

How funding is offered

UCS funding is offered primarily as a loan, subject to an assessment of finances. Trusts may also be required to contribute. Grant funding will be provided only in exceptional circumstances.

How to apply for UCS

Make sure that you read the guidance and application form carefully. Your application may be delayed if you do not provide the right documentation.

  1. Read Urgent capital support: how to apply (PDF295 KB18 pages).
  2. Fill out the Urgent capital support: application form (MS Word Document221 KB).
  3. Fill out the Urgent capital support: finance template (MS Excel Spreadsheet71.2 KB).
  4. Email your application form and finance template to [email protected], with ‘Urgent capital support application’ and your institution name in the subject line. Make sure that the size of your email does not exceed 9MB.

More information

If you need further advice, contact us using the ESFA enquiry form.