These guidelines were last updated on 5 January 2023.  Guidelines and application forms are updated regularly throughout the year – please ensure you download the most recent guidelines to read through and to use the most recent application form links.

Who Can Apply

Priority is given to state funded primary schools (reception to end of Key Stage 2).

We will also consider applications from state secondary schools specifically towards books and reading resources to support catch up reading initiatives for Key Stage 3 pupils and/or transition reading programmes for pupils in feeder/local primary schools. More general applications towards books for secondary school libraries are less likely to be funded.

Requests from special schools for library books/reading resources are considered for all SEN age groups.

We do not accept applications from mainstream nurseries/early years only establishments (including those that have registered as a charity), although applying state primary schools are able to include within their request books/reading resources to support work with their local feeder nurseries.

Newly set up schools with little track record or detail of literacy needs are less of a priority and we advise waiting until you have this information before applying.

PTAs are not eligible to apply.  The application needs to come directly from the school.

Please note that competition is intense; we receive many more applications than we are able to fund.

How Much Can You Apply For

Schools can apply for between £2,000 and £10,000.  Please note that if successful, the Trustees may award less than the amount requested.

What We Fund

Priority, and the majority of given funds, will continue to be awarded for physical library/reading books.  We can consider a contribution towards e-readers and electronic reading resources, however a strong case for support and explanation of need will have to be made within the application.   We will not fund textbooks or curriculum books, nor will we fund classroom dictionaries and thesauruses (your request may include just a couple of dictionaries/thesauruses for the library to support reading skills).

The Foundation will also consider contributions towards library software, necessary IT equipment and furniture etc. in order to create a suitable library space and enable book lending outside the school, although ideally the majority of funding should be requested for books/reading materials.  We do not generally fund salaries or training costs.  Structural building costs will not usually be considered.

For other school projects, please refer to the Guidelines for the Main Grants Scheme and contact the Grants Team if necessary to discuss further.

Factors Which Will Strengthen Applications

  • Preference will be given to schools which can clearly demonstrate a commitment to renewing and maintaining their library provision in the future.
  • We will also take into account local deprivation levels, current literacy levels at the school and the impact of the pandemic on pupil’s learning when assessing applications.
  • Schools looking to improve standards following a ‘requires improvement’ or ‘inadequate’ inspection report.
  • We are keen to support schools that are working in partnership with other local primary/secondary schools to improve reading standards.

When Can You Apply

There are no deadlines – online applications can be submitted at any time.  Once received, it will take up to four months, occasionally longer, to receive a decision from Trustees.

Please note that any grant awarded should be spent within six months of being awarded and copies of purchase receipts will be required.  If a grant is awarded it can only be used for purchases after the award date – the Foundation does not award retrospective funding.

If a previous application is declined, the school is eligible to reapply 12 months after the previous request date.

If a previous application is approved, the school is ineligible to apply to the Foundation for three years after the approval date due to intense competition for limited funds.  If the school has experienced significant change, on occasion we may consider a reapplication before three years, but this should be discussed with the Foundation Grants Team prior to submission.

Other Information

Please note that we purposely do not have a word limit to allow applicants the space to give us the information necessary to explain the project and the need for funding, but please keep answers relevant, clear and somewhat succinct.

Further information regarding the scheme, attachments and the application from can be found on the Frequently Asked Questions.

How To Apply

Applications need to be submitted online.

Please note that we purposely do not have a word limit to allow applicants the space to give us the information necessary to explain the project and the need for funding, but please keep answers relevant, clear and summarise information.

The Grant Appraisal Team may wish to discuss the application, and request further information in order to appraise the application before it is presented to Trustees.

The Chief Executive and Grants Team will report to the Trustees at the first available meeting and will notify the applicant of the Trustees’ decision, normally by email.

Information/Documents you will need:

  • Email address
  • Latest Ofsted report (or equivalent)
  • Latest Ofsted interim monitoring letter (if applicable)
  • Latest school budget (treated confidentially)
  • Latest PTA/fundraising arm accounts (if they do not have official accounts, an income and expenditure table and current level of reserves will need to be provided.  A bank statement alone will not be sufficient)
  • Library project budget (click here to download template) – you will need to download the excel sheet and ‘Save As’ to begin editing
  • Latest school population statistics (e.g. FSM, PP, EAL)
  • Latest assessment results (especially in relation to reading and literacy)
  • Permission of the Headteacher to submit the request on behalf of the school

Creating an Account & Starting a New Application

You will need to create an account using your email address as part of the application process.  Once an account is created, you will receive email confirmation of this within a few minutes.  If this is not received please contact the Grants Team before proceeding.

You will be able to save an application you are working on and return to it later via your account.  A copy of the application questions can be emailed to yourself or others after you begin to complete the form.

  1. Click on the following link to create or access your account.  From here you can access in progress applications and view previously submitted applications.
  1. Click on the following link to create a new Foyle School Library Scheme application.

Note that applications you are working on will timeout after 60 minutes.  The timer is reset either when you save or navigate between pages.  Typing alone will not reset the timer.

Many applicants choose to type their answers onto a Microsoft Word document and then copy and paste onto the online form once ready to submit their application.

Further information regarding the scheme, attachments and the application from can be found on the Frequently Asked Questions.

Personal Information

The Foyle Foundation is committed to protecting all personal information you provide to us. We will only use contact information you provide for administration, evaluation and research purposes to facilitate our grant making and to further our charitable activities. Personal contact information will not be made public in anyway.  Please also see our Privacy Notice.